  • 6/9/2022

  • 6/9/2022

PGC: The members of the Plenary General Council chose the logo of the next General Chapter

Thursday, June 9, 2022

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This morning we are presented with a request for authorization to close a community in the Province of Europe and a request to open a new community in the Province of Africa. We are also studying a request for validation for the appointment of a new novice master in Madagascar. The vote will be taken later. But in almost all the CIFAs, various changes of formators are already being considered for the next academic year.

As a mandatory part of the CGP sessions, we are studying the list of the first apostolic appointments to be voted on this time. As a reminder, the first apostolic appointment is normally decided at the diaconate stage.

The members of the Plenary General Council then chose the logo of the next General Chapter by retaining one of the two proposals made and validated the list of lay people who will be invited and will represent the reality of the Assumptionist laity in each of our provinces.

Michel Kubler then presented the annual report of the Secretary General, followed by that of the Procurator. Since September 2021, the Ordinary General Council has had to take a position on 21 requests for perpetual vows, 18 requests for the diaconate and 31 requests for the presbyterate. The Secretary General deeply regrets the very late sending of some files... Many new publications are announced both by the General House and by the Province of Europe between now and the General Chapter.

The early afternoon saw a long exchange aimed at evaluating the Plenary General Council and its functioning, always in preparation for the General Chapter. The evaluation was unequivocally positive! But there is still progress to be made in order to achieve a functioning that makes the congregation a single body.

The day ended a little ahead of our usual schedule, but we nevertheless took the time to read the report written by Gervais Bakerethi on the functioning of the Office of Development and Solidarity over the last 12 months and to discuss the future prospects of this important source of financing for our projects.