Lay-Religious Alliance

A Lay Assumptionist is “one who commits him/herself to living their baptismal vocation and the mission that flows from within the Assumption, within the Church and within society.” (Way of Life for Lay Assumptionists)
In the contemporary world, Lay Assumptionists and the vowed religious priests and brothers bear witness to the Gospel in a variety of ways, wherever the Spirit calls us to respond to the needs of God’s people.
Are you called to be a Lay Assumptionist?
Lay AssumptionistsComing from all walks of life and attracted by the Congregation’s spirit and mission, Lay Assumptionists come together to share their lives and apostolic experiences within the Assumption Family.
Lay Assumptionists, like the vowed religious, are provided a period of formation.
Our four fundamental elements:
1) Welcoming Christ as He is found in the Scriptures.
2) Discovering the charism of the founder, Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon and the Assumption.
3) Living, celebrating, and transmitting the Assumptionist spirituality in all its dimensions.
4) Reaffirming our vocation and our mission as lay people together with the religious.