CGP - Highlight of the day n.2 - Tuesday, December 3, 2024
"The torture of the ecus" (Fr. d'Alzon) (“The tortures of the money!”)
Following the evaluations of past years and taking into account 2 days that we spend together between CEC and CGP, we wanted to allow and foster more interactions between these two councils and not limit ourselves just to the exchange of data and figures that were worked on in the Economic Council. Therefore we have effectively progressed in this direction with presentation by the general treasurer, allowing time for reactions and exchanges, spending time in language groups, and also working together on the main topics.
First of all, there was a question, as usual, of considering our interprovincial solidarity necessary for our formation houses; also to look at the budget of the general house and to make a point there we are in our Real Estate Medium-Term Plan… We then spend a great length of time on a request from the General Chapter:
“The Chapter recommends that the CEC and PGC, at their annual joint working session, evaluate and encourage the progress of our younger realities towards greater economic autonomy, notably through the definition of the Real Estate Medium-Term Plan.” GC No. 265
There are many ways to renew the different aspects of our resources:
- Better value the contribution of each brother, through his work, to the life of our communities and our works…
- Develop, wherever we are present, the local networks of our benefactors, with real mutual support and accompaniment…
- Be more inventive and, above all, better know how to get help for our investment projects - particularly in real estate -, without being afraid to be advised through serious partnerships with investors outside the congregation.
The discussions also highlighted, as it was the case during the General Chapter, the need to renew our way of experiencing interprovincial solidarity in order to give greater financial autonomy to each entity by moving away from a mode of support that may be too paternalistic... This must go hand in hand with greater local initiative to highlight and value already available resources, ensure good monitoring of already undertaken projects, good control of expenses and fostering putting together and sharing of our goods within each community and each province...
During the coming days, the CGP (PGC) will therefore already make certain economic decisions, but above the PGC will initiate procedures in order to respond to our economic challenges in a productive lasting way...
After ten days of intensive work, the provincial treasurers will return to their communities, encouraged, we hope, by these days of exchanges and mutual support. Our assembly ardently wishes that every religious be aware of the complex and difficult work of our treasurers (at all levels), and that each brother can support them in their heavy burden, in the service of our communities and our missions! We thank them warmly for their precious service…

The provincial treasurers surrounding the General Treasurer (P. Alex CASTRO); from left to right: P. MUMBERE LUSASA Mbaga Tuzinde, P. CAO BA Vinh Pierre, P. ANDRIAMAHENINARIVO Richard, P. CERVANTES Rodel Sapalo, P. GITAU MACHARIA Morris, P. SILVA SERRANO Marco

CEC and CGP together...
Fr. Benoît Bigard