CGP – Highlights of the day n.4 - Thursday, December 5, 2024
To know, to know... how to do, to know... how to be, but also to to become…
“One of the requests that emerged most strongly and from all contexts during the synodal process is that the formation provided by the Christian community be integral, ongoing and shared. Such formation must aim not only at acquiring theoretical knowledge but also at promoting the capacity for openness and encounter, sharing and collaboration, reflection and discernment in common. Formation must consequently engage all the dimensions of the human person (intellectual, affective, relational and spiritual) and include concrete experiences that are appropriately accompanied. [...] Nor should we overlook the contribution that the pedagogical disciplines can make to providing well-focused formation, adult learning and teaching methods and the accompaniment of individuals and communities. We, therefore, need to invest in the formation of formators.” (Final document of the Synod on synodality n°143): What could be better than this paragraph to give a horizon for our day of reflection in CGP (GPC) on the formation in the Assumption?
This reflection was introduced by the report of the Secretary General for Formation (SGF), Fr. Vincent Leclercq. He reminded us of the new developments and projects of the past year: regular meetings of the General Secretariat for Formation (made up of provincial formators and formators of the vicariates) by videoconference; 1 international session on the vocation of religious brothers in Rome in June 2024 (15 participants); 1 international session of formators (representing the provinces, vicariates, leaders of our international communities or leaders of our large houses of formation) in Nîmes in November 2024 (14 participants); the organization of a survey on the needs for specialized training in view of the CGP (GPC) in June 2024; the participation of the SGF in a weekend of the inter-novitiate of Chevilly Larue in France (near Paris) on chastity as well as in the meeting of the “Young Assumption” organized by the Province of Europe in Lyon in November on the theme “‘The Love of the Church’ according to Father d’Alzon and in the history of the Congregation”… We are very happy to see a certain number of projects which advance: the general secretariat for formation finds a good rhythm of working together, one of the ways of working together is establishing of small ad hoc groups on 9 major subjects; the valorization of the vocation of religious brothers; the renewed proposals that can allow all of us a better appropriation of the Assumptionist charism…
The rest of the day allowed the CGP (GPC) to progress on some very concrete projects: the finalization of the procedure for presenting the admission files that are presented to the General Council; the establishment of a more efficient procedure for transmitting information between the different places of formation; a clarification on the academic formation plans to be prioritized with a view of helping the making of the decisions towards specialized studies.
We were able to conclude the day by watching the video which was made during the session of the religious brothers – this video will be available to all in a few days, or in a few weeks – and this video could be a good animation tool in order to evoke and promote, in our communities and places of formation, the vocation of Assumptionist religious brothers. And the work continues…

Fr. Benoît Bigard