Canonical visit to East Africa
First step in Tanzania, January 1-25, 2025
On January 1, 2025, Fr. Ngoa, Superior General, accompanied by Fr. Benoît B., Assistant General in charge of the Vice-Province of East Africa, flew to Arusha for the canonical visit of our communities there.
The first stage is dedicated to the handover between the former and new vice-provincial teams and to visiting our communities in Tanzania:
- Austin House, the philosophate: 15 religious students and 3 formators
- Kijenge Parish: 5 religious (in 2 locations), a dispensary, a school
- Kizito House: novitiate: 4 novices and 3 formators

Dar Es Salam (new community):
- Msongola Parish: 2 religious

In Mwanza :
- Mwananchi parish: 3 religious
In Murutunguru, on the island of Ukerewe :
- Murutunguru parish: 3 religious
Safari region: near the Ngorongoro and Serengeti parks, among the Maasai and Sonjo:
- Digodigo parish: 3 religious, 1 small elementary school
- Loliondo parish: 3 priests

See photos in the album dedicated to this visit
Fr. Benoît Bigard