The Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption (A.A.) was founded in 1845 by Father Emmanuel d'Alzon. He wanted a religious family that was both modern and rooted in Tradition, that is to say, sensitive to the great causes of God and man in every age. This is his vocation, stemming from his motto: “Thy Kingdom Come! »
A community life
Today we are present on five continents, in more than 120 communauties and 30 countries. As disciples of Saint Augustine, we live our faith, prayer, and apostolate in the community. Together we are called to take up the three great challenges of religious indifferences, exclusion, and injustice.
Various apostolic commitments
We are men of faith and of communion, and in solidarity with the poor. Thus, all fields of action are open to us to witness to the Gospel: there are among us parish priests and journalists, theologians and pilgrimage leaders, teachers and missionaries… Some are priests, others are not, but all are disciples of Jesus in the heart of a world they love.
Our motto:
“May your Reign come” encourages us to work for the coming of Christ’s Reign in us and around us.
Rule of life, 13
The laity of the Assumption
Our charism has led lay people to want to live the spirituality of the Assumption and to put it into practice in their lives. Some of them have embarked on a “life journey”.
The Rule of Saint Augustine, which introduces the Rule of Life of the Augustinians of the Assumption, recalls this:
“Above all, live unanimously, having one soul turned toward God. Whatever the country, language, or culture of origin, the brothers live together under the same roof: their daily life is to live, pray, love, and act like brothers. They hold from their founder the conviction that the Gospel is a path of humanity and a factor of social transformation. Through their works and insertions, they seek to respond. Today as in the past, to the present needs of men and of the Church. They are animated by promoting humanity and in every person on justice, love, and truth.”