CGP – Highlights of the day n.6 - Monday, December 9, 2024
To be the men and women of the solidarity facing the encountered challenges!
The Saturday morning was dedicated to a few essential and unavoidable topics: the approval of formators, the validation of the first apostolic appointments, the requests for the opening or closing of communities, the examination of long-term foundation projects, etc. More precise information and details on these subjects will be communicated through the usual channels of communication...
The weekend break allowed us to take some rest but also to continue our meetings in pairs... Therefore, some of us were able to go to the Vatican and to participate in the celebrations of the Consistory with the creation of the new cardinals.
This Monday morning we were resuming our usual work schedule. The main subject of our reflection was about the best way to mark the Jubilee Year as a congregation. The main chosen idea is that in the communities and provinces we locally promote significant actions. This way of action will be helped by the letter of animation from the Superior General…
The CGP (GPC) is also a place of mutual support, so we have dedicated a certain time looking at and discerning two particular situations that weigh on certain provinces, in order together to open the ways for possible solutions.
At the end of the day, we returned to some sessions that should be implemented in decentralized way: on the one hand the preparation of future missionaries and, on the other hand, the vocation of those who are working in awakening the vocations… In fact, this is an ongoing question of updating and adapting projects that have existed since 2019, by promoting, in particular for future missionaries, flexible sessions that can be carried out –partly in person and partly online…

Father Michel Kubler congratulates Mgr Jean-Paul Vesco, one of the new cardinals...

Fr. Benoît Bigard