CGP – Highlights of the day n.7 - Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th, December 2024
Two very busy last days...
Click here to see the complete CGP n.3 photo album
It may not be very well known, but the Pope Francis is one of the popes who has contributed the most - and still contributing – to adjusting the Canon Law to the current challenges of the Church (for example with the entire reform and reshaping of book 6 of the Code of Canon Law concerning the offences and the sanctions), he is therefore an important legislator compared to other popes... Therefore the annexes of the Manual for the Major Superiors have to be completely revised in order to integrate these changes. This time of the meeting was also the opportunity for the Secretary General, in conjunction with the CGO, to adjust this entire text which contains three annexes: 1-the tasks of the provincial secretary; 2- a Guide for the administration of property; 3-Small directory on Canon Law. Therefore, Father Michel Kubler took the time to present the main changes in this booklet to the members of the CGP (GPC).
The second part of Tuesday morning was dedicated to a detailed presentation of the leadership formation program presented and offered to the whole of the congregation by the Province of North America. This program is aimed at brothers who are likely to be part of provincial councils, or to be appointed to various posts of responsibility at the provincial or general level. It is a one-year program that is proposed to begin in September 2026, in Worcester (USA), and is might be offered t to 3 or 4 brothers…
Various other news was also shared, as the CGP (GPC) drew to its end: the list of important key posts of responsibility in the provinces; the new circulars implemented by the Superior General; the progress on the new biography of Fr. d’Alzon that was requested by the General Chapter; the work which was undertaken in order to updated annexes to the Roman Missal and the Liturgy of the Hours “specific” to the congregation; the developments in progress at the General House…
After the evening of conviviality, the members of the CGP (GPC) were preparing themselves for the returning to their respective provinces, and the next day the CGP (GPC) ended with a final morning of work. The Postulator, Fr. Vincent Leclercq, shared with us his report for the year 2024, which allowed us to have a long time of discussion and generated various suggestions in order to energize the initiatives and work for promoting of the cause of the Fr. d’Alzon. As you certainly know, in order for the beatification of Fr. d’Alzon to take place, we must present to the Holy See a well-supported case of miraculous healing. In fact, the Lord has granted us several miraculous healing through the intersession of the Fr. d’Alzon, but none of these cases can be presented to the Holy See due to lack of sufficient medical documentation that supports the case. The postulator, therefore, reminded us of several elements necessary in order to present a miracle: a public prayer that can attest the intersession of Fr. D’Alzon (Hence the importance of explicitly mentioning the people for whom we pray during our novenas, community or public prayers through the intersession of Fr. d’Alzon) and a solid medical file in order to attest the obtained healing. Furthermore, it is also good to regularly communicate to the Postulator all forms of graces obtained thorough the intercession - even if they do not fall within the framework of a “miracle presentable to the Holy See” - because they attest the continuity of Fr. d’Alzon’s reputation who is to be considered and recognized as a saint. Therefore do not hesitate to communicate any possible miracles, graces or local initiatives to the Postulator via the following email address:
Finally, we took time to thank Fr. Juan-Carlos Marzolla, and Fr. Henri Kizito Vyambwera for respectively 9 and 6 years of their responsibility as (vice) provincials, entrusting to the Lord the new period of their life for them personally and to the province in which they served. What was following is: the word of evaluation by each of the members of the CGP (GPC); the formal votes on the decisions prepared during the week; the time to "thank you" all those who were involved in the work at all levels (from the kitchen to the translation without forgetting the general secretariat and all the technical services), the closing remarks by the Superior General, the session was adjourned and the next meeting was scheduled for June 2025 in Buenos Aires…

Evening of conviviality on Tuesday, December 10…

The members of the CGP (GPC) all together in December 2024!
Click here to see the complete CGP n.3 photo album
Fr. Benoît Bigard